Sunday, May 31, 2009

Living Water

Source of the River Derwent

This little stream, high up in the hills of the Derbyshire Peak District, is the source of the River Derwent. It flows between vibrant mossy banks and is a delight to the eye - a picture of new life, refreshment and peace. I ascended a long dusty path, on a very hot day, to get there and was so thirsty on arrival, that I just sank my head into the cool pure water and drank my fill. Then refreshed, I returned to where the river eventually flows into the Derwent Reservoirs which bring life to many thousands of people.

There may be times in our life when we feel we are stagnating and life seems a bit dull. The solution? We need to return to the Source and drink and keep drinking until we feel we are coming alive again. His ‘living water’ is invigorating, healing, strengthening and reaches those parts nothing else can. It is life-changing, because He becomes our life.

“the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

1 comment:

Jill Berry said...

Wonderfully composed photo and message!